Simply Chosen.
We are:
women of God,
empowered by The Holy Spirit,
and chosen by The King
to know our true identity IN CHRIST,
so we can know the love of our Father
and abide in His presence.
Luke 10:2-4
'He released them with these instructions: “The harvest is huge. But there are not enough harvesters to bring it in. As you go, plead with the Owner of the Harvest to send out many more workers into his harvest fields. Now, off you go! I am sending you out even though you feel as vulnerable as lambs going into a pack of wolves. You won’t need to take anything with you—trust in God alone. And don’t get distracted from my purpose by anyone you might meet along the way.' (TPT)
A Letter From Ellen,
The Lord spoke to me in a dream in September 2017. He gave me all of the details to go with 24 women on a retreat, and this was the birth of a women's ministry. Through pushback, I continued to pursue the ministry with an entrusted friend that the Lord had given me as a partner in the dream. We prayed continually to determine who and who wasn’t to be a part of the ministry. Over time the Lord removed women and brought women to us. In 2018 three other women and myself heard from the Lord to name the ministry Simply Chosen and He gave us the scripture Luke 10:2-4. We are simply ordinary women chosen by God to go out into the harvest. He said, “The harvest is huge and not enough hands to bring it in, so I’m sending you out even though you feel vulnerable as lambs going into a pack of wolves, you won’t need anything, you trust in God alone.” Don’t get distracted from my purpose by anyone you meet along the way.” Well, guess what, we became distracted and allowed satan to come in and destroy. After much fire and tribulation, we placed Him back in the center of the ministry and focused on Him and Him alone.
In August 2020 the Lord gave me a new dream with the same message to begin a women’s ministry with all the details. We felt so blessed to be given a second chance. We suited up in the armor, listened, and obeyed the voice of the Lord, pressing into all He had to say. His first event was launched on October 23, 2020. Where two or three (23) are gathered in His name He will be there. We have realized the importance of following the voice of God and pursuing His visions and plans. We want to be obedient by pushing back and overcoming trials of many kinds because in Him and through Him, we can! We give Him all the glory!
May your life be enriched at every event you attend. We do our best to make sure you know you’re welcome and loved by your Father. You have simply been chosen to be a daughter of the King and He has great plans and visions for you as well.
Founder of Simply Chosen Women’s Ministry