Simply Chosen Presents:
Discipleship and Spiritual Gifts
Saturday, October 26th
8:30-12:00 PM
Doors open and lite breakfast available at 8am
The only thing you can bring to heaven is other people. Discipleship is an intentional lifestyle in which you use your spiritual gifts to invest and encourage others to follow Christ. Join us to discover your spiritual gifts and gain tools to help you learn how to apply them in discipling others for Christ.
Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 4:19,
Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Ephesians 4:11
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Liesl Maas
Liesl is a native South African, now naturalized American citizen who has been in full time ministry since shows 18 years old. Born into a Christian family, Liesl gave her life to Jesus at the young age of 5 and was active in ministry with her church until the Lord called herinto full time ministry in Israel. Liese met her husband Bram in Israel while leading an International Christian young adult’s ministry. They got married in Jerusalem and then moved to the Netherlands, and then to the USA where together they continued in Christian ministry to Israel. Liesl also led a women’s small group ministry through her local church. Two years ago, the Lord led them to start the Olive Tree church here in Murfreesboro. Liesl is now full time with the church and continues to lead a women’s small group called ‘Roots and Fruits’ as part of the Olive Tree ministry. She has a passion to encourage women to deepen their relationship with the Lord so that each on can be used by God to bear fruit in these unique days. She and Bram have two precious children Eloise who is 12 and Samuel who is 18, as well as an active Maltese poodle who they all dearly love called Trigga.
Autumn Darden
Autumn Hope Darden has been ministering for over 25 years as a worship leader, Bible teacher, and preacher. Her journey to ministry began when she experienced the life changing power of Jesus as a young teen. Before that Autumn grew up in a Christian professing home that was filled with neglect, secrets, and chaos. By age 13 Autumn was pregnant and living in a home for pregnant teens. The secret was out! What had been going on most of Autumn’s childhood was now in the light. Autumn placed the baby for adoption and came home to the crushing weight of guilt, shame, depression, and thoughts of suicide. However, one thought changed everything, “If I can just get to church, I think God will help me.” A few weeks later a parent dropped her off at a little country church and the rest is history! Through forgiveness, loving pastors, and God’s transforming power Autumn’s life was turned right-side-up and she has never been the same. Autumn currently lives in the Nashville area with her husband, Kiley and their four children and fostering two children. They enjoy finding waterfalls, camping, swimming and watching movies together.
Jen Finley
Jennifer loves the Lord Jesus and has walked with Him for as long as she can remember. In 2018 she met the Holy Spirit and life became a fiery adventure. Originally from ND, Jen and her family were moved by God to Tennessee in 2019. Called into ministry, she and her husband lead a house church, Burning Hearts, in Murfreesboro, where they focus on equipping the body of Christ and making disciples. A passionate worshipper, Jen loves singing, prayer, and prophetic ministry. She is excited to share about spiritual gifts, confident that as believers awaken to their giftings, they will be empowered to bring heaven to earth! Jen has been married to Mat for 23 years, is a teacher by trade, and has homeschooled her 3 teenage children for 12 years. Aside from spending time with family, she likes rainbows, coffee and birdwatching. Her favorite scripture is Jeremiah 33:3 - “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”